7-day trial ends 02/13/2024
$1.00 non-refundable member activation fee charged at time of order.
$29.95 per month charged automatically thereafter.
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Credit Scores
Credit Reports
Credit Monitoring
Identity Theft
Today’s credit Scores & credit Reports from All 3 Bureaus delivered in seconds!
A personalized report of factors affecting your credit score
Click to communicate with and resolve issues directly with your creditors.
See who is looking at your credit
Unlimited daily updates of your TransUnion score and report
Free Credit Score Report
Get a free credit score with your free trial membership at 3scorecheck.com. Your membership includes your free credit score based on your current credit report.Plus, you will receive email alerts when there are significant changes to your credit report. And, you will get an updated credit score each month your membership is active.
Why Does Your Credit Score Matter?
Your free credit score and report can have a significant impact on your life. With today’s technology, scores can be used day and night to make an instant assessment of your creditworthiness. Knowing and understanding your credit score gives you a financial edge that could put money in your pocket through lower interest rates and lower monthly payments.
What Is a Good Credit Score?
Because so many different credit scoring models are used, there is no single “good” credit score. Far more important than the number is how you rank on the particular scale being used. Because scoring models in general take the same things into consideration (primarily the information on your free credit report), a good credit rating on one scale will usually translate to a good credit rating on another scale.
Who Can View My Credit Report?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects the privacy of your credit report. By law, however, your report may be released to persons or organizations which have a legitimate reason to view your report. In most instances, you must grant permission for your free credit report to be accessed. Granting such permission is often in the fine print of credit or employment applications.
About Annual Free Credit Reports
Under federal law you have the right to receive a free credit report from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies once every 12 months from AnnualCreditReport.com or by calling 877-322-8228. However,a free credit score is not included. Since information in your credit file can change frequently, it can be a good investment to keep tabs on your credit score and credit report more frequently by using a credit monitoring service.
Order Your Free Credit Score
Get a free credit checkon yourself today. Order your Free Credit Score ,and you will be enrolled in our credit monitoring membership for a free trial period. You can cancel at any time.
Copyright © 2024 www.3Scorecheck.com. All rights reserved. www.3Scorecheck.com is operated by 3ScoreCheck Inc.
Day in and day out, we all get asked for personal information - when we apply for credit, rent an apartment or buy a home, seek new employment, apply for insurance or even enroll in classes at the local college. Generally, we give little thought to the fact that our credit scores and files are often accessed at these times too.
The reality is that computers have increasingly replaced human beings in making decisions about important things in our lives. With today’s technology, credit scores can be used day and night to make an instant assessment of your creditworthiness, then used to make yes/no decisions or to determine the terms of credit offered to you. With so much depending on your credit, it makes good sense to understand credit and your credit score.
Our mission as an independent provider is to empower consumers by providing information and tools to help them better understand, monitor and protect their credit scores and credit information. We further strive to educate consumers on the close link between credit and identity theft, a silent epidemic where thieves work quickly until the crime is detected--often when it shows up on a credit report.
Thank you for considering our services. Start benefitingtoday, get your free score now.
MyFreeScoreNow.com is a product of MyFreeScoreNow, Inc. MyFreeScoreNow is headquartered in the Greater Los Angeles area.